It's been two years! What happened? Well, life. But, we've gotten over it, so we're coming back with a new twist. Blurry Dude has rebuilt the Blurry Dude Show studio in Dayton, OH and is working on creating a new show, Actually Literal.
Actually Literal will be a talk show all about books and book-related stuff. Ian "Blurry Dude" Kline and Karen Kline will host the talk show along with the occasional guest. Actually Literal will air Fridays at 7 pm EST.
League of Extraordinary Readers is not going away, though. Live book reviews and discussions will be held on the last Sunday of every month at 4:00 pm EST and we're working on setting up a forum where members can join and discuss the month's book. Details concerning the League will be announced here and on Actually Literal.
We will announce the start dates for both broadcasts in the next couple of days.